The Approach

Strengthening Emotional Intelligence

At Catalyst Mind Center, we believe that emotional intelligence is a fundamental aspect of personal growth and building strong relationships. Through our professional staff, we offer a range of services to support the overall success and well-being of the children. We aim to help children achieve their highest aspirations.  We prioritize the development of emotional intelligence in our youth Catalyst Members by providing them with opportunities for effective communication, teamwork, self-awareness, and empathy. Our approach empowers learners to understand and regulate their own emotions while also recognizing and responding to the emotions of others while teaching them to be assertive.

Strengthening Creativity

Creative thinking, or the ability to generate unique, original ideas while finding solutions for problems we may face, is a crucial skill for success in any field in today’s rapidly evolving world. Therefore, we foster a culture of innovation at our center, where learners are encouraged to think outside the box and explore new ideas while following their passion. Our programs include a variety of activities that boost creativity, such as our art classes and teamwork projects.

Success Starts from Childhood

We believe that the foundation for a fulfilling and successful adulthood begins right from the early stages of childhood. We passionately believe in the transformative power of instilling positive habits in children and young minds, setting the stage for a bright and prosperous future.
While we wholeheartedly endorse and emphasize the merits of contemporary online learning paradigms in the 21st century, we concurrently underscore the pivotal import of face-to-face learning experiences and interpersonal interactions. At the heart of our approach is a strong emphasis on creating an engaging and enjoyable learning environment. We blend the convenience of modern online Inquiry-based learning with the irreplaceable charm of in-person interactions. Your child will experience the best of both worlds, benefiting from cutting-edge teaching methods while forming meaningful connections with peers and mentors.
We understand that learning is not just about acquiring knowledge; it’s also about forging lasting relationships and finding joy in the journey. Our team is dedicated to nurturing not only intellectual growth but also emotional well-being, creating a holistic educational experience.
Join us on this captivating journey where we empower learners to thrive academically, emotionally, and socially. Together, we’ll create memories that will be cherished for a lifetime and equip your child with the tools and happiness needed to succeed in the ever-evolving world.

Catalyst Quest

Quest programs for youth

We believe in the motto, “Challenge yourself to be a better version of yourself.” We achieve this by offering extended, challenging educational programs and resources that support the Flexible Growth Mindset.

Catalyst Virtue

Virtue programs for youth

We believe in awakening and deepening your connection to your inner qualities that give direction to your life. We strengthen positive personality traits by teaching and supporting character empowerment along with life skills programs.

Catalyst Quest Methodology ​

What is it, and how we support it

Our Inquiry-Based Learning Challenge Programs empower individuals while encouraging and supporting their Flexible Growth Mindsets. Whether or not your child is an advanced learner, they can benefit from our empowerment and the Flexible Growth Mindset methodology. Our educators believe in empowering their learners and are trained to implement the Flexible Growth Mindset approach along with its teaching methods.

Empowerment, Choice, and Control

Research has shown that learners who feel empowered are more likely to be motivated further to learn and achieve more. When learners are given the opportunity for choices, or when they feel that they have control over their learning subjects and environment, the tasks on the projects seem more meaningful to them, leading them to feel more motivated and empowered.

Empowerment, choice, and control are significantly important aspects when learning in any environment, more specifically for gifted and high-ability learners: when children perceive that they have some influence in the classroom with their peers, it supports their sense of competence.

Positive Actions and Neural Growth

Recent research and developments in neuroscience have revealed that the brain is much more flexible and adaptable than humans previously 

believed and neuronal connectivity can change with experience. With practice, neural networks strengthen their current connections and lead to new ones forming. In other words, we can increase our neural growth through our cations, such as having good strategies and positive actions we take by implementing a healthy and balanced lifestyle. 

Furthermore, researchers believe different individuals’ mindsets lead to their differentiated behaviours. Results showed that individuals behave differently when they believe their brains can grow. So, the hypothesis was, “Can individuals change their mindset? and if they can, how is it achievable?” This hypothesis led to several studies in this field, which caused the creation of various interventions, proving that humans indeed can change their mindset from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset, which can increase their motivation to reach their full potential.

Finally, through research and our experience, we can see the importance of educators’ appropriate training and approach and their effects on children. When learners are encouraged in a positive manner and acknowledged for their hard work, they are more willing to accept the challenges, which in turn increases their productivity and strengthen their growth mindset. And the more they strengthen this growth mindset, the more flexible and open they become to take on new challenges and learnings, creating a positive feedback loop that increase their achievements.

Catalyst Virtue Methodology ​

What is it, and how we support it

Our Virtue Kids’ Programs are an excellent way to help children develop strong positive character traits, ethics, and decision-making skills from a young age that can lead them to future leadership success.

Our programs help children develop a strong moral compass and teach them how to make responsible decisions, build positive relationships, and develop healthy habits and boundaries with others and assertiveness. By cultivating these skills early on, children are better equipped to face challenges and navigate life’s ups and downs, supporting them to become strong, self-confident, and successful adults.

In addition to helping children develop strong character and ethical decision-making skills, our Virtue programs also aim to empower individuals to positively impact their own lives and the lives of those around them.

These programs teach learners how to transform negativity into virtuous language, recognize teachable moments in challenging situations, establish clear boundaries that protect their dignity, time, and health, and establish a daily healthy, balanced routine of reverence.

By practicing these skills, children can develop a sense of purpose and meaning in their lives and make a positive impact on the world around them. By instilling these values at a young age, we can help create a generation of responsible, compassionate, and ethical individuals who are ready to make a positive impact on the world!

Growth Mindset Videos And Resources

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2420 Haywood Ave, West Vancouver, BC, Canada V7V 1Y1
